Download page mentions facebook
Download page mentions facebook

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In the section called ‘ Public Posts,’ you can find three options – Public, Friends of Friends, and Friends. You will be baffled by the simplicity of it – all you have to do is to change the settings of your account. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Public Posts: Turning off comments on FB for private posts. If you want to be less exposed on social media, make commenting on your posts available only to those with whom you are acquainted. It means that more people can see the content you upload on your profile. Whenever a person comments on your status or picture, this comment is visible on the Facebook feed to all friends of that person. To keep your social media account private, changing your comment settings is really worth taking into consideration. There are situations when you might want to turn off FB comments for different reasons, so it’s good to know how to do that. However, it can turn out to be rather uncomfortable when their comments get offensive, inappropriate, or are simply spam. Many people are very active online and tend to comment on numerous Facebook posts. How to turn off comments on private Facebook profiles Try it for free: Company email Start free trial Use NapoleonCat to automatically hide or delete inappropriate comments on your Facebook posts. Protect your Facebook Page from spam & trolls

Download page mentions facebook